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Bio Trio Sauna

Multifunctional energy recovery procedure. Very efficient and extremely enjoyable.


In the atmosphere of a room made of age old red cedar, you are filled with the energy of aroma, sound and colour. This simultaneous stimulation of multiple senses activates the part of the limbic brain responsible for emotion.

The aromatic, ethereal composition delights the sense of smell.


Music, which sounds at the frequency of happiness, complements the smoothly changing color harmony.

The structured temperature regime allows you to warm the entire body, whilst protecting the heart and head from overheating.


Contrast cooling with cold water strengthens the vascular and immune systems.

Such a multifaceted experience for one hour, followed by relaxing on a jasmine adorned terrace with a cup of aromatic tea, allows you to replenish the gaps in your Biofield.


For your convenience, we provide all the accessories necessary for a sauna: a bathrobe, hair towel wrap, disposable slippers and two towels.



Duration of Bio Trio Sauna procedure - 2 hours; Cost - 50 euros per person

If you purchase a course of 5 procedures, as a bonus you can invite your spouse, partner or friend to join you in your 5th visit, and share the healing effect and joy.

When purchasing a double subscription for 5 procedures, for a couple to enjoy together, you will also receive a gift certificate for one additional visit for one person.

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Additional Options

At your request, the Bio Trio Sauna treatment can be supplemented with a salt scrub with citrus essential oils, followed by gentle care for your skin with Young Living essential oil blends.

Price : 10 euros

A wonderful addition to the multiplier effect of the Bio Trio Sauna can be a massage, which we recommend doing with Young Living massage oils.

Price : 100 euros for 1 hour

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